Friday, July 04, 2008

Marinade Meat in a Snap

Summertime days seem to slip away so quickly that many find themselves standing in front of the refrigerator searching for something to make for dinner just about the same time their stomach is telling them it’s past time to eat. A refrigerator full of meats and sauces is all well and good, particularly if you have a grill just waiting out the door. How do you handle the marinating time required by most sauces when your stomach is growling now?

You have a few choices…

Choice #1 Throw the meat on the grill and forget about the marinade. This choice works fine for those urgent situations when you don’t care that the meat is tough and tasteless you’re just glad to have food in your stomach however if you like to enjoy what you’re eating, this isn’t the best option.

Choice #2 Marinate it for 15 minutes even though the package says “marinate overnight” and hope for the best. This option is about as effective as option number one. The marinade hasn’t had a chance to soak into the meat and therefore you’re let with a hint of flavor if the marinade on the surface hasn’t burned off the meat all together.

Choice #3 Go out to eat or call for pizza and forget about that meat. All too often this is the choice we fall back on however with the rising cost of gas, groceries and take out or restaurant meals this isn’t the most economical or healthy option. Besides, we want to keep looking good in our swimsuit, right? Eating out definitely doesn’t help with those plans!

Choice #4 Grab the Reveo™ MariVac™ Food Tumbler from the cupboard, place your meat and your marinade in the tumbler and marinate your food in mere minutes rather than hours. The Reveo MariVac works by using a high powered vacuum which sucks air from the barrel. This vacuum process stretches the meat’s fibers which in turn pulls moisture and marinade all the way through the meat. The tumbling action works to massage the meat making your next meal a tender, juicy meal in minutes rather than hours.

You’re starving, the sun is getting low in the sky and the hungry eyes of your family members are looking at you for sustenance. What do you choose? Grab the healthy meat of your choice and your favorite marinade and do yourself and your family right!


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